Our And Your Videos.
When entering the World-Radio-Nashoba site, you join the secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage, and in order to be as free as possible of your own courage to dialogue I could not take a stand close, so I leave in my mind to explore the world of this site, see to violate even the most questionable space they are. However, I order my conscience at every moment to draw up a wall between good and evil. And to do this, I constantly condemn my entire Being, in the harmful action for me as well as for my fellow men. Morality: There is no point in chasing bad thoughts, wisdom is not to apply them. So let's give ourselves the freedom to talk about things that are important to us in all conscience.
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Our And Your Videos.
Dieses geheime Wissen kennen NUR 1% Nutz damit dein Hirn mit 100% Leistung & Erfolg
Diese versteckte Kraft schlummert im Geheimen wirklich in deinem Hirn
Die Eliten wollen nicht dass du dieses verbotene Wissen hörst
Die Eliten wollen, dass du das siehst Teil 3 - Das alles läuft schief
Das passiert wenn du die versteckten Superkräfte in deinem Körper erlernst und bekommst
Das passiert, wenn du die versteckten Superkräfte in deinem Körper erlernst und bekommst